Monday, May 30, 2011

Selling Colors - Red

Color is one of the elements that will set your business apart from others and your packaging colors will set your product apart from your competitors' products. The colors you choose should send the right subliminal messages to inspire any potential customer to buy your product.

In color psychology, red means energy, action, passion, excitement and strength.

Using red for your packaging colors draws attention to your product, stimulates the senses and excites the potential purchaser.

Dark reds are perceived as professional and luxurious, while bright reds are more exciting and energetic and generally of lower perceived value than dark reds. Adding gold or silver for the printing or decoration increases the perceived value.

Blue-reds are more attractive to the upper class market, while orange reds are attractive to the working class - orange reds have a lower perceived price and value.

Adding black decoration to your red packaging can add sexual or adult connotations.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Selling the energy provides a eco-friendly concept for smart masses. Nowadays using coffee packaging as concept to sell outdated products is quite popular. Not only people get energy from coffee but the iPod as well. This cup might be as 'hot' as a regular cappuccino at the local coffee store, Literally and/or figurative. Using the concept of a coffee cup, people have shown more interest in actually buying unpopular things as car-chargers.

Selling the kaffepÄse

Duodji, is a centuries old Sami(North-Swedish) handicraft, that dates back to a time when the Sami were far more isolated from the outside world than they are today. Duodji tools and clothing material served their purpose to be functional and useful, however this does not mean that the Sami handicraft is unartistic. Sami duodji artists are able to bring function and art together in such a delicate way to create works of art in their own right. This is a coffee bag made out of leather and roots. The leather ware might be an eye candy for vintage junkies, who wants to be associated with Swedish folklore culture. This is also the 'Selling the stories' thing.