Coffee, known as the third popular drink after tea and water. These little brown pea-shaped bean are influent in our life, especially in the morning. This is because coffee gives us the energy to have a good start. Did you know that coffee beans consist mostly of endosperm that contains 1.0 - 2.5 % caffeine. That is not much. About 40 beans is needed to make a cup of hot coffee. The bean size isn't oval shaped and brown at all. Suddenly the coffee you were drinking is red? The amount of caffeine will rise and espresso might be twice as strong.
Also the pressure would be find in the market. Starbucks has to compete with the well known Red Wine. Coffee is red and comes from the cubic shape. Not only Starbucks but also companies which provides Caramel-coffee candies also needs to change their shapes and package. Also think of this scene. You order a Irish Coffee at the local corner pub. Note that the taste of whisky has reduced, but the amount of alcohol hasn't!
Coffee is a unchangeable product, or crisis will strikes upon the world. Yet there might be a lot benefits…

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