Friday, June 17, 2011

Selling Colors - Blue

Blue is a color most of the time referring to the air and water. Like these elements it is supposed to be feeling fresh and free. In the world of coffee packaging the fresh light-blue doesn't appeal much. Coffee brand Intelligentsia use this visual color translation of fresh blue to communicate it's decaffeinated coffee. In the print you can notice the use of 'Freedom' displaying flying across the water and the sea.

On the other hand, violet-blue have been more used for the upperclass market. It is obvious that the French roast coffee is mostly more exclusive and expensive. This distinguished packaging color is a obvious choice of communicating luxe and exclusivism. Brands such as Milano, Tchibo Exclusive, Blue mountain are clever to target the upperclass drinkers with this feeling with their elegant over-decorated packaging.

The color blue also has a certain story. Artist Pharrell Williams associate the color with the music genre: The Blues. The chord progressions and the nature of the chords of the Blues give this sad and sorrow feeling, he said. In other words 'Feeling blue'. (reference:

Coffee is not the sweetest drink. The more expensive, the more bitter the taste get. In the same context as 'feeling blue', the luxurious blue turns into a sad and sorrow experience of drinking bitter coffee from the blue package.

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